
Note Biografiche

Sono nato a Locarno (Svizzera) nel 1969, sono sposato e ho quattro figli. La mia formazione scolastica comprende il diploma di direttore di banda, il diploma di sassofono e la patente di insegnante per la scuola dell’infanzia. Altrettanto formative sono state le mie esperienze come animatore di colonie per ragazzi portatori di handicap (e no…) Per questa attività ho seguito alcuni corsi di formazione Cemea (centri d’esercitazione ai metodi dell’educazione attiva). Sulla base di queste esperienze ho cominciato a scrivere dei teatri musicali per i campi estivi delle scuole di musica in cui sono attivo professionalmente, trovando via via forme e soluzioni che hanno fatto di questa attività creativa la mia attività professionale preferita.

Elenco delle opere


I was born in Locarno (Switzerland) 1969. I’m married with Amalia and we have 4 childrens.
As a young man I played the recorder at school, then the saxophone in the band of my village. I also attended piano lessons during high school.
Studies:1989 I obtained the Band Director Diploma of the Swiss Band Association, 1992 the Graduation of Saxophone Teacher at the Conservatory of Basel, 1995 the grade of Elementary School Teacher at the Istituto Magistrale of Locarno.
Professional activity: I’ve taught saxophone in various music schools, from beginner to pre-professional level.
1994-2014 I played soprano saxophone in a quartet (classical repertoire)
1995-1999 I directed the village band where I grew up and 2005-2016 I directed a youth band formed by the students of four small band societies.For both the ensembles I composed some music: short pieces like marches for circumstances, birthdays or festivals, and longer pieces with one or more actors, to be learned and performed during estival musical camps.Composition is my favorite activity.

List of works

Notes Biografiques

Je suis né à Locarno (Suisse) en 1969, Je suis marié et j’ai quatre enfants. Ma formation comprend le diplome de directeur d’harmonie, celui de professeur de saxophone et la license d’enseignant à l’école maternelle. Mes expériences en tant qu’animateur de colonies de vacances pour porteurs de handicap ont été tout aussi formatrices: pour cette activité j’ai suivides cours Cemea (Centres d’entraînement aux méthodes d’éducation active). Sur cettes bases j’ai commencé à ‘écrire, à l’occasion de camps musicals des écoles où j’ai travaillé, des pièces théâtrales musicales. J’ai ainsi trouvé des formes et des solutions personnelles qui ont fait de cette activité créative mon activité professionelle préférée.

Liste des Oeuvres

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